The CHAMPS program is a positive behavior support program that looks at using positive behaviors to motivate students. Students are, of course, held accountable for negative behaviors, as well. However, there is a “punishment trap”, which can sometimes stop behavior at that moment but will not necessarily change the behavior.
The main purpose of the program is a guide to the decisions teachers can make to build and implement a proactive and positive approach to classroom management. The goal of classroom management is to have students who are respectful, responsible, motivated learners and highly engaged in meaningful tasks. The overall goal of the program is to increase instructional time in the classroom.
CHAMPS is...
· A comprehensive school-wide approach.
· An effective classroom-management system.
· Behavior support for individual students.
The CHAMPS acronym stands for:
● Conversation...Talk? Volume?
● Help...How do you get help, if needed?
● Activity...What is the activity or transition, and objective?
● Movement...Can students move during the activity? When? Where? How?
● Participation...What does it look like and sound like when expectations are met?
● Success...When expectations are met. Procedures? Reinforcement?
Each area--such as classrooms, hallways, gym, cafeteria, art, library, and computer lab--have specific procedures to keep students Safe, Respectful, and Responsible. The key to the program is creating a common language of expectations for staff and students.
“Panther Pride”
All positive behavior falls into four categories of “Panther Pride”. When students use their “Panther Pride”, they are Safe, Respectful, Responsible, and the Difference in their school. The examples below are not an exhaustive list of potential examples of being Safe, Respectful, Responsible, and the Difference. Many other behaviors fall under these categories.
1. Be Safe:
a. Follow adults’ directions in the classroom, hallway, lunchroom, and on the playground. All adults include all school personnel.
b. Use school materials with care and safety.
c. Be kind in words and safe with one’s body.
d. Walk with a quiet voice at all times while moving through the building with class, in groups, or as an individual.
e. Enter the lunchroom quietly and fill tables in an orderly manner.
f. Use restroom facilities appropriately. Flush toilets and throw paper towels in the garbage.
g. Use voice and behavior during indoor recess activities which are appropriate to the classroom setting, including those which do not include: running, throwing, yelling, or physical contact.
h. Do not leave classrooms, lunchroom, or playground without permission from an adult.
i. Wear appropriate clothing for the weather in all situations, including recess. Students are expected to bring snow pants, boots, coats, gloves/mittens, and hats for all outdoor winter play.
j. Play appropriately during recess, keeping hands and feet to oneself. `
2. Be Respectful:
a. Students use appropriate language for school with no swearing or obscenities.
b. Use appropriate voice level for all activities. Voices include:
Zero = silent
1 = whisper
2 = partner voice
3 = conversation (small-group voice)
4 = presentation
5 = outside voice, but no screaming
c. Be attentive to all lessons and directions in the classroom.
d. Behave in a manner which is respectful of the rights and property of others.
e. Walk quietly, sit flat and still, and exhibit good audience behavior during assemblies.
f. Raise hands for all requests in the classroom and lunchroom.
g. Follow rules for playing games for outdoor and indoor recess. Be fair with classmates.
h. Walk around students playing at recess to avoid interrupting their games.
3. Be Responsible:
a. Follow classroom rules.
b. Work toward the completion of classroom assignments during designated times.
c. Behave in a manner which is respectful of the rights and property of others.
d. Clean up after oneself in all settings--classroom, artroom, library, lunchroom, and anywhere else in the school building. At lunch, clean up anything on the floor around the table, be sure trays are cleaned, garbage is put in the garbage cans, silverware is placed in the container for silverware, and trays are stacked in the kitchen window.
e. Ask for help when needed.
f. Pay for the replacement or repair of property which is damaged or lost.
g. Line up quickly and quietly in the classroom, lunchroom, and at recess.
4. Be the Difference:
a. Invite other students to join groups in the classroom, at lunch, and on the playground.
b. Include students who are left out to be a part of groups.
c. Clean up others’ messes.
d. Be an example of positive behavior for others to see.
e. Be kind to everyone.
Failure to use “Panther Pride” will result in consequences including but not limited to detentions with classroom teachers, timeouts in the office, lunch detention, parent contact, making up for the behavior (i.e. apologies, letters, other types of relationship repair) in-school or out-of-school suspensions, or other consequences as appropriate. Most behaviors can be easily changed to avoid unpleasant consequences.
Each classroom is individual in specific classroom rules, although the rules will support the ideals of the Panther Pride Pledge. The classroom teacher will provide children with her/his classroom-management plan. Parents should contact their child’s teacher with concerns.
The goal of FES is that everyone in the school will feel capable, connected to learning, and able to contribute in a positive manner. Panther Pride Pledge:
Each morning, following The Pledge of Allegiance, students recite the following:
Today and every day I will honor my pride and try my best.
I will be responsible for my choices.
I will be respectful towards all people and property.
I will be safe in my actions.
I will be the difference.
This is my Panther Pride Pledge.