Class of 1930-1934
Class of 1930
Class of 1930
Eleanor (Ballance) French
Eleanor (Ballance) French
Grace (Banktson) Miller †
Grace (Banktson) Miller †
Reinhold Banktson †
Reinhold Banktson †
Ardath Baribeau
Ardath Baribeau
Edna Bringleson
Edna Bringleson
Catherine (Carls) Parker
Catherine (Carls) Parker
D. Clarke
D. Clarke
Ferris Crawford † **
Ferris Crawford † **
Lina (Crosby) Newman
Lina (Crosby) Newman
Carl Frederickson †
Carl Frederickson †
Irma L. (Gum) Hansen †
Irma L. (Gum) Hansen †
Charlotte (Hale) Hankinson
Charlotte (Hale) Hankinson
Theresa (Hunt) Bowling †
Theresa (Hunt) Bowling †
LaVina (Kibby) Main
LaVina (Kibby) Main
Colleen Kirby
Colleen Kirby
Ina S. Lockhart †
Ina S. Lockhart †
Thelma (Matthews) Wallaker †
Thelma (Matthews) Wallaker †
Laura (McCoy) Whalen
Laura (McCoy) Whalen
Albert B. McKinnon †
Albert B. McKinnon †
Reynold E. Mick * †
Reynold E. Mick * †
D. Oliver
D. Oliver
Marie (Olsen) Moss †
Marie (Olsen) Moss †
Mildred Reddick
Mildred Reddick
Helen (Reichel) Goodhart
Helen (Reichel) Goodhart
Lewis Reichel †
Lewis Reichel †
Gertrude (Reynolds) Lamb
Gertrude (Reynolds) Lamb
Dorothy (Sivertson) Pruyne †
Dorothy (Sivertson) Pruyne †
Ole Steinberg †
Ole Steinberg †
C. Stibitz
C. Stibitz
Morgan Strauble
Morgan Strauble
William Thomas
William Thomas
Alyce M. (Wallin) Modjeski †
Alyce M. (Wallin) Modjeski †
Jennings Young
Jennings Young
L. Young
L. Young
Nola Young
Nola Young
Class of 1931
Class of 1931
John Anderson †
John Anderson †
Dorothy (Baker) Sloniker
Dorothy (Baker) Sloniker
Grace M. Baumgardner †
Grace M. Baumgardner †
Thelma Buchanan
Thelma Buchanan
Edgar Burns
Edgar Burns
Ted Carland
Ted Carland
Edna (Clark) Hunt †
Edna (Clark) Hunt †
Harold Dyrdal
Harold Dyrdal
Marjorie (Erickson) Maker †
Marjorie (Erickson) Maker †
Louise (Frederickson) Newman †
Louise (Frederickson) Newman †
Selma (Frederickson) Anderson *
Selma (Frederickson) Anderson *
Mildred (Gilroy) Nielsen †
Mildred (Gilroy) Nielsen †
Virginia Gray †
Virginia Gray †
Helen Griffin
Helen Griffin
Alice (Hammond) Harris
Alice (Hammond) Harris
Evelyn Hawley
Evelyn Hawley
Paul Hedlof
Paul Hedlof
Elaine (Hollenbeck) Harp †
Elaine (Hollenbeck) Harp †
Eunice Jeffs
Eunice Jeffs
Signe (Johnson) Nielsen † **
Signe (Johnson) Nielsen † **
Harvey Jones
Harvey Jones
Hester Keller
Hester Keller
Evagene (Kirby) Swanson
Evagene (Kirby) Swanson
Arthur Lamb †
Arthur Lamb †
Dorothy Lamyotte
Dorothy Lamyotte
Lloyd M. Lentz
Lloyd M. Lentz
Clarence Lints
Clarence Lints
Azel N. Mead
Azel N. Mead
Harold Mead †
Harold Mead †
Lois (Morissey) Upton †
Lois (Morissey) Upton †
Luella (Nordahl) Bates
Luella (Nordahl) Bates
Elise Rydt †
Elise Rydt †
Jean Simpson
Jean Simpson
Elizabeth Storr †
Elizabeth Storr †
Frances A. (Straubel) Leask †
Frances A. (Straubel) Leask †
Anna Stuart
Anna Stuart
Ward Stubbs
Ward Stubbs
Class of 1932
Class of 1932
Edmond Banktson
Edmond Banktson
Allen Blacklock
Allen Blacklock
Nels Carlson
Nels Carlson
James L. Cooper † ^
James L. Cooper † ^
Aletha (Crawford) Culp †
Aletha (Crawford) Culp †
Alice (Ferris) Eckholm
Alice (Ferris) Eckholm
Marie "Nels" (Frederickson) Hanson †
Marie "Nels" (Frederickson) Hanson †
Alice (Gabrielsen) Ottowitz †
Alice (Gabrielsen) Ottowitz †
Kuka Gorivan
Kuka Gorivan
Curtis L. Green †
Curtis L. Green †
Marion (Hollenbeck) Holmes †
Marion (Hollenbeck) Holmes †
Roland Hull
Roland Hull
Clayton Jacobson
Clayton Jacobson
Coleen (Kerby) Pettingill †
Coleen (Kerby) Pettingill †
Charles Lafraniere †
Charles Lafraniere †
Marjorie (Little) Smith
Marjorie (Little) Smith
Frances (McCoy) Grant
Frances (McCoy) Grant
Arthur Mead †
Arthur Mead †
Joe Nickson
Joe Nickson
Irma (Shaefer) Olsen
Irma (Shaefer) Olsen
E. Margaret (Stolson) Babion
E. Margaret (Stolson) Babion
Albert F. Straubel
Albert F. Straubel
Marjorie Straubel
Marjorie Straubel
Leon Stubbs
Leon Stubbs
Harriet (Wallin) Hull †
Harriet (Wallin) Hull †
Helen (Weineke) Lahmann
Helen (Weineke) Lahmann
Carol White
Carol White
Class of 1933
Class of 1933
Annabelle (Anderson) Hansen †
Annabelle (Anderson) Hansen †
Ardath H. (Anderson) Driscoll †
Ardath H. (Anderson) Driscoll †
Agnes (Anderson) Hardy †
Agnes (Anderson) Hardy †
George R. Baumgardner † ^
George R. Baumgardner † ^
Marvello Berryhill †
Marvello Berryhill †
Royce Carter †
Royce Carter †
Edna (Dewitt) Wills †
Edna (Dewitt) Wills †
Philip Dobson †
Philip Dobson †
Hylda A. (Dyrdal) Robotham †
Hylda A. (Dyrdal) Robotham †
Kenneth Erikson †
Kenneth Erikson †
Madelyn (Frary) DeFer †
Madelyn (Frary) DeFer †
Lila (Gorivan) Jacobson †
Lila (Gorivan) Jacobson †
Floyd J. Green †
Floyd J. Green †
Clarence Gum †
Clarence Gum †
G. Dayton Hardy † ^
G. Dayton Hardy † ^
Erling Johnson † ^
Erling Johnson † ^
Wilma Keeler †
Wilma Keeler †
Ruth (Lentz) Gillespie
Ruth (Lentz) Gillespie
William T. Little †
William T. Little †
Hughbert Lockhart †
Hughbert Lockhart †
Anne M. Mickson †
Anne M. Mickson †
Virlie (Mitchell) Snell
Virlie (Mitchell) Snell
Florence (Reichel) Carr †
Florence (Reichel) Carr †
Olive (Salzwedel) Huhnke
Olive (Salzwedel) Huhnke
Thelma S. (Shorter) LaFreniere †
Thelma S. (Shorter) LaFreniere †
Bonnie (Sivertson) Statterman
Bonnie (Sivertson) Statterman
Clarence W. Smith ^
Clarence W. Smith ^
Borghild Strom †
Borghild Strom †
Beulah (Valencourt) Spalding †
Beulah (Valencourt) Spalding †
Elizabeth (Vigland) Lroetz
Elizabeth (Vigland) Lroetz
Clarence Vinson †
Clarence Vinson †
Georgia "Jo" (Watson) Spamer
Georgia "Jo" (Watson) Spamer
Eileen (Wheeler) Waters †
Eileen (Wheeler) Waters †
Risinr Ysnnrhill
Risinr Ysnnrhill
Class of 1934
Class of 1934
Mildred (Ahlgrim) Reed
Mildred (Ahlgrim) Reed
Bertha Bailey
Bertha Bailey
Doris C. (Bohnow) Flynn †
Doris C. (Bohnow) Flynn †
Lucille (Bohnow) Pilon †
Lucille (Bohnow) Pilon †
Esther (Boughman) Lentz
Esther (Boughman) Lentz
William Carter †
William Carter †
Frances Clark
Frances Clark
Beatrice L. (Collier) Pritchard †
Beatrice L. (Collier) Pritchard †
Nauzue Cornell
Nauzue Cornell
Katherine (Elckey) Buehler
Katherine (Elckey) Buehler
Kenneth Eriksen †
Kenneth Eriksen †
Carolyn (Figg) Anderson †
Carolyn (Figg) Anderson †
Eloise (Figg) Strom †
Eloise (Figg) Strom †
Lyle M. Fitzhugh ^
Lyle M. Fitzhugh ^
Corinne (Gilroy) Smith †
Corinne (Gilroy) Smith †
Emma J. (Gray) Blood †
Emma J. (Gray) Blood †
Frances L. (Gray) Tarzwell
Frances L. (Gray) Tarzwell
William Hayden
William Hayden
Amber (Jake) Groesser †
Amber (Jake) Groesser †
Carl Johnson †
Carl Johnson †
Ann (Kirby) Shorkey †
Ann (Kirby) Shorkey †
Richard Krannic
Richard Krannic
Doris E. (Lenhard) Findley * †
Doris E. (Lenhard) Findley * †
Arthur Little
Arthur Little
Carol (Livingston) Glasglow
Carol (Livingston) Glasglow
Kirraube Martin †
Kirraube Martin †
Frances (Matheson) Jordan †
Frances (Matheson) Jordan †
John McKenzie
John McKenzie
William Natzel †
William Natzel †
Helen Noffsinger
Helen Noffsinger
Byrle A. Rodebush
Byrle A. Rodebush
William Rogers †
William Rogers †
William Rubier
William Rubier
Elsie Smart
Elsie Smart
Catherine M. Stall
Catherine M. Stall
Marget (Strom) Larsen †
Marget (Strom) Larsen †
Maye "Minnie" (Watson) Gilroy †
Maye "Minnie" (Watson) Gilroy †
Ruth (White) Stall
Ruth (White) Stall
Owen S. Wright †
Owen S. Wright †