FEAS Alumni

Graduate Years
Class Media

Where are they now?

Alumni Reunions

Alumni Military

FEAS Faculty Alumni

Thanks to our alumnus, Justin Majewski, (Class of 2006) for putting this video together!  This was made in 2020 at the beginning of the Covid lockdown.

Go Panthers!

Your permission is needed in order to link an email address to your name. Many class web pages include yearbook photos. If you do not want your photo included, please contact Judi.   The overwhelming response has been positive, and the site will be reflecting suggestions that you gave on the survey.

Please...share this site with other graduates!

THANK YOU to the late Terry Herban (1957) and Kim Rodal (retired FHS Media Specialist) for the many yearbooks provided for scanning.

If you have a yearbook (or a class photo if no yearbook was published) that I could borrow, please send an email

Yearbooks needed:




...1923 and earlier

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