Class of 1900-1904
Class of 1900
Need pictures & more class information
Bessie Burtker †
Clara (Fritz) Belcher †
Mabel (Peterson) Davis †
Della (Rubier) Rozenbeek †
Nellie (Woodward) Hancock †
Class of 1901
Need pictures & more class information
Pearl (Gaines) Potter †
Charlotte Hill †
Frank Miller †
Dena Olesen †
Hattie (Robertson) Pullman †
Arlisle Slater †
Vida (Springsteen) Sneary †
Class of 1902
Need pictures & more class information
Ruth Bedford †
Ethel Scott †
Louis Spencer †
Class of 1903
Need pictures & more class information
Class of 1904
Need pictures & more class information
Ceylon Gates †
Alfred Upton †
Nellie (Westerland) Williams †
George Williams †