Class of 1895-1899
Class of 1895
Need pictures & more class information
Eleanor "Arnie" R. Fairchild †
Charles May †
Ethel B. (Wyckoff) Rogers †
George Yhouse †
Class of 1896
Need pictures & more class information
Ingeborg M. Hendrick †
Annie J. McMillan †
Charlotte (Parker) Moor †
T. Allen Smith †
Edith Ward †
Edith A. (Welsh) Scott †
Fannie J. (Woodward) Howell †
Class of 1897
Need pictures & more class information
Henrietta Leutholtz †
Aaron K. Smith †
Adeline Walker †
Class of 1898
Need pictures & more class information
Blossie (Crane) Davis †
Emeline A. Plont †
E. Blanche Reynolds †
Erma L. Slater †
Mable M. (Sutherland) Robertson †
Class of 1899
Need pictures & more class information
Rose Ludtke †