Class of 1915-1919
Class of 1915
1915 Class Photo
Need pictures & more class information
Mason Howard †
Regina (Ness) Taylor †
Donald Osborne †
Class of 1916
1916 Class Photo
Need pictures & more class information
Lloyd Cole †
Muriel (Cornell) Messer †
Anna Eriksen †
Hubel Matzinger †
Eilert Setterbo †
Charles O. "Samp" Slyfield †
Hattie (Strauble) McRoy †
William Tulledge †
Class of 1917
1917 Class Photo
Need pictures & more class information
Hazel (Chapin) Williams †
Lillian Cooper †
Thomas Johnson †
Sigurd Mathieson †
Hallie (McBee) Anderson †
Undine (Mortenson) Crowley †
Elvine Olsen †
Lois (Perue) Smith †
Anna Stolson †
Class of 1918
1918 Class Photo
Need pictures & more class information
Elmer Colbath †
Charles Corkins †
Charles Erickson †
Olga (Frederickson) Hixon †
Harry LePorte †
Mae Lewis †
Harold F. Palmer †
Nellie (Pugh) Start †
Mildred (Sivertson) Allmendinger †
Florence (Tulledge) Ely †
Class of 1919
1919 Class Photo
Need pictures & more class information
Minnie (Cooper) Luxford †
Lloyd Eikenberry †
Alma (Erickson) Smith †
Isel S. Freeman †
Leston Frey †
Lucile (Gaul) Scott †
Grace (Hanrath) Lockhart †
Signa (Holden) Hanrahan †
Weiler Kabaugh †
Luella (Kinney) Deloge †
Donna (Olsen) Garlinger †
Elvin E. Olsen †
Mildred (Peterson) Power †
Christina (Rodel) Perue †
Ruth (Vigland) Eikenberry †
Bessie (Weksler) Unger †
Dora (Weksler) Wolf †